(LGA 1972 Sch 12A Paragraph 1 – Information relating to an individual)
(LGA 1972 Sch 12A Paragraph 1 – Information relating to an individual)
The report of the Management Team presented for approval a number of establishment changes arising from the on-going operational management of the Council’s services. It was noted that the proposals would result in net establishment savings of £5,487 inclusive of oncosts.
RESOLVED: That the following adjustments be endorsed:
(1) post DF0511 Benefit Assistant (37 hours) scale 2/4 be deleted with immediate effect;
(2) a new post of Senior Revenue and Benefits Liaison Officer (37 hours) scale 5/6 be created;
(3) the hours of post DF0915 Senior Revenue Assistant (37 hours) scale 4/6 be reduced to 27 hours with immediate effect;
(4) post DF0907 Revenue and Benefits Liaison Officer (37 hours) scale SO/M9 be re-designated as Revenue and Benefits Liaison Manager;
(5) a new post of Overpayment Recovery Officer (22 hours) scale 5/6 be created with immediate effect;
(6) post DF0529 Overpayments Recovery Clerk (23.25 hours) scale 1/2 be deleted with immediate effect;
(7) the reduction in the hours of post DF0503 Benefit Office Supervisor scale 5/6 from 37 to 32 hours be confirmed;
(8) the reduction in the hours of post DF0602 Fraud Investigation Officer scale 4/6 from 22.5 to 21.5 hours be confirmed;
(9) the transfer of post DF0105 Administrative Assistant (37 hours) scale 2/3 from the ‘central’ administrative team within Finance and Transformation to the Revenue and Benefits Section be noted;
(10) post DF0406 Clerical Assistant (Exchequer Services) (8 hours) scale 1/2 be deleted with immediate effect;
(11) the hours of post DF0524 Clerical Support Officer scale 1/2 be increased from 30 to 37 hours with immediate effect;
(12) the hours of post DF0904 Revenue Assistant scale 2/4 be increased from 35 to 37 hours with immediate effect;
(13) post DF1004 Verification Officer (37 hours) scale 2/3 be re-designated Administrative Assistant with immediate effect;
(14) the reduction in hours of post DG3002 Senior Administration Assistant scale 3 /4 from 37 to 33 hours be confirmed;
(15) the extension until 31 December 2015 of the 3 additional hours temporarily worked by post DG3004 Administration Assistant (27.5 hours) scale 2/3 be noted;
(16) the increase in hours of post DG3009 Administration Assistant scale 2/3 from 18.5 to 22 hours be confirmed;
(17) post DR0302 be re-designated and regraded from Assistant Land Charges Manager (scale 4/5) to Land Charges Team Leader (scale SO), effective from June 2015;
(18) the hours of re-designated post DR0302 be increased from 15 to 30 hours per week effective from June 2015;
(19) a new post of Land Charges Officer (Scale 4/5 - 37 hours per week) be created for a fixed period of 2 years, effective from February 2015;
(20) posts DR0301 (Land Charges Manager) and DR0303 (Senior Land Charges Officer) be deleted upon retirement of the existing post holders;
(21) a sum of £10k be ring–fenced from the overall savings in respect of the Land Charges proposals for future operational adjustments; and
(22) the net contribution of £5,487 towards future savings targets be noted.
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