(LGA 1972 Sch 12A Paragraph 1 – Information relating to an individual)
The report of the Management Team presented for approval a number of establishment changes arising from the on-going operational management of the Council’s services. It was noted that the proposals would result in permanent base budget savings of £25,133 per annum that could be carried forward into the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
Members were advised that where appropriate Unison had been consulted and was content with the proposals. Detailed recommendations for staffing in the newly configured Transportation and Planning Policy teams would be presented for consideration at the next meeting of the Committee.
RESOLVED: That the following proposals and establishment adjustments be endorsed:
(1) Post DA0304 Democratic Services Officer be regraded from 5/6 to M9 with effect from 6 July 2015;
(2) Post DV0201 be redesignated from Healthy Living Co-ordinator to Health Improvement Manager and regraded from SO to M8 with effect from 6 July 2015;
(3) Post DG2012 be redesignated from Senior Waste Services Inspector to Waste Services Manager (Operations) and regraded from 6/SO to M9 with effect from 6 July 2015;
(4) Post DF0209 Senior Accountancy Assistant be regraded from 5/6 to SO with effect from 6 July 2015;
(5) the redesignation of Post DR0303 Land Charges Officer to a permanent position be confirmed;
(6) the reduction in hours of Post DG0101 Senior Parks Officer from 37 to 22 hours per week be confirmed;
(7) the reduction in hours of Post DG0110 Administrator/Assistant Cemetery Registrar from 30 to 22 hours per week be confirmed;
(8) the creation of Post DG0102 Assistant Parks Officer at scale 3 be confirmed;
(9) the increase in hours of Post DV0202 Health Improvement Assistant from 30 to 37 hours per week until 31 March 2016 be noted;
(10) the increase in hours of Post DV0203 Health Improvement Assistant from 20 to 30 hours per week until 31 March 2016 be noted;
(11) the increase in hours of Post DJ0125 Systems Support Assistant from 30 to 37 hours per week be noted;
(12) the commencement of a review of shared service models appropriate for the revenue and benefits function with Gravesham Borough Council via the Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board be supported and the consequent staff consultation be endorsed;
(13) the principle of a shared service agreement with Gravesham Borough Council and the aspiration to introduce this by 2017/18 be noted;
(14) the continuation of a shared working agreement with Gravesham Borough Council for the services of a Revenue and Benefits Manager be approved;
(15) the creation of a new post of Financial Services Manager grade M5 be confirmed and, following a ring-fenced selection process, it be noted that Mr Paul Worden will be appointed to the post on 6 July 2015 and thereafter the Principal Accountant Post DF0203 that he currently occupies will be deleted;
(16) the Street Scene and Leisure directorate be renamed Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services and the job title of the director be redesignated Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services with effect from 6 July 2015;
(17) Post DE002 be redesignated from Chief Engineer to Head of Technical Services and relocated within the Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services directorate, and the appointment of Mr Andy Edwards to the role with effect from 6 July 2015 be noted and thereafter Post DE0201 (Principal Engineer) be deleted;
(18) Post DE0101 (Principal Engineer) be deleted on 2 October 2015 and it be confirmed that the contract of Mr Steve Medlock be terminated on that date on the grounds of redundancy and that in accordance with the Local Government Pension Regulations he should commence receipt of his pension from 3 October 2015 and his redundancy pay should be calculated as set out in the Reorganisation, Redundancy and Redeployment Procedure;
(19) a sum of £88,500 from the overall savings in respect of the recommendations set out in (17) and (18) be ring-fenced for future operational adjustments; and
(20) the net contribution of £25,133 towards future savings targets be noted.
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