Agenda item

Local Plan Update

-        Report to follow


The Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health provided an update on the important progress made towards the preparation of the Local Plan.  Particular reference was made to the initial outcome of the Call for Sites exercise which closed on 1 September 2015.


A short presentation highlighting the key issues and setting the context for the Panel was also provided.  At the request of the Chairman this would be circulated with the Minutes for information.


Proposed revisions to the timetable to reflect the next stages of the Local Plan preparation were also set out and included a full assessment of potential sites to inform options for the development strategy and land allocations in the Plan.   Due to the number and scale of sites being assessed the original timetable had been revised to allow sufficient time for evidence gathering and proper technical evaluation around suitability, affordability, deliverability and/or constraints.


It was emphasised that this was an important milestone in preparation of the Local Plan and significant public interest was anticipated.


Locations and outlines of all the submissions were set out in the Call for Sites map, attached as Annex 1 and tabled at the meeting.  It was noted that the map was for illustrative purposes only in order to inform and advise the Panel of the number, general scale and distribution of the sites coming forward for assessment. In addition, Members were reminded that the identified sites had no status and at this stage were merely submissions of interest.


On the basis of the revised timetable it was anticipated that the November meeting of the Borough Council’s Planning and Transportation Advisory Board would receive a report that would begin to scope out the next stage of the process (Issues and Options) in more detail.  Approval of the documentation and community engagement arrangements would then be sought at the following meeting enabling consultations to take place in Spring 2016 and would build on the positive engagement exercise with the Parish and Town Councils that took place between November 2013 and March 2014.  Although the Issues and Options stage next year would be the first formal opportunity for public consultations an ongoing dialogue with local councils throughout the Local Plan process was anticipated.


Members asked questions and raised a number of issues around implications for the Green Belt, the duty to co-operate with neighbouring authorities, infrastructure deliverability, air quality and pollution, traffic pressures and the difficult challenge of meeting housing demand bearing in mind the extent of planning constraints in the Borough, including Green Belt and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.  Officers responded and noted the comments expressed for further consideration as part of the assessment process.


Particular reference was made to the Aylesford Newsprint site as a potentially important site for addressing employment needs. 


A list describing the sites identified and the organisations putting forward submissions would be prepared for information.  It was noted that individuals would not be identified due to data protection.


The Chairman thanked Members for an excellent debate which had recognised the significant challenges that the Local Plan represented to the Borough.

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