Committee attendance

Area 1 Planning Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Matt Boughton 3
Councillor James Lark 3
Councillor Dennis King 3
Councillor Karen King 3
Councillor Nick Foyle MCIPD ACIB 3
Councillor Mrs Jill Anderson 3
Councillor Mrs Pam Bates 2
Councillor Janet Sergison 3
Councillor Howard Rogers 3
Councillor Mark Rhodes 3
Councillor Mrs Anita Oakley MA BA (Hons) 3
Councillor Vivian Branson 3
Councillor Roger Dalton 1
Councillor Mark Davis 3
Councillor Nicolas Heslop BA (Hons) 3
Councillor Mark Hood 3
Councillor Frixos Tombolis 1
Councillor Garry Bridge 3
Councillor Jon Botten 3
Councillor April Clark 2
Councillor David Lettington 2
Councillor Frani Hoskins 3
Councillor Georgina Thomas 2
Area 2 Planning Committee, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nick Stapleton 1
Councillor Sarah Hudson 1
Councillor Wendy Palmer 1
Councillor Mrs Millie Langridge 0
Councillor Kim Tanner 1
Councillor Mrs Jill Anderson 1
Councillor Janet Sergison 1
Councillor Howard Rogers 1
Councillor Brian Luker 1
Councillor Mrs Ann Kemp 1
Councillor Vivian Branson 1
Councillor Christopher Brown 1
Councillor Martin Coffin 1
Councillor Roger Dalton 1
Councillor Dave Davis CEng FICE 1
Councillor Nicolas Heslop BA (Hons) 1
Councillor Mike Taylor 1
Councillor Tim Shaw 1
Councillor Piers Montague 1
Councillor Lee O'Toole 1
Councillor David Lettington 1
Councillor Robin Betts 1
Area 3 Planning Committee, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nick Stapleton 1
Councillor Sarah Hudson 2
Councillor Robert Cannon 2
Councillor David Cooper 2
Councillor Andrew Kennedy 2
Councillor Colin Williams 2
Councillor Mrs Ruth Lettington 2
Councillor Timothy Bishop 2
Councillor Howard Rogers 2
Councillor Mrs Anita Oakley MA BA (Hons) 2
Councillor Vivian Branson 1
Councillor Roger Dalton 2
Councillor Dave Davis CEng FICE 2
Councillor Nicolas Heslop BA (Hons) 2
Councillor Alan Keeley 1
Councillor Michael Base 2
Councillor Steve Hammond 1
Councillor Mark Hood 1
Councillor Roger Roud 2
Councillor Mrs Michelle Tatton 2
Councillor Piers Montague 1
Councillor Mrs Trudy Dean 2
Councillor David Thornewell 2
Councillor Mrs Sue Bell 2
Councillor David Lettington 2
Councillor Paul Hickmott 2
Councillor Robin Betts 1
Councillor Des Keers 2
Cabinet, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nick Stapleton 3
Councillor Sarah Hudson 3
Councillor Matt Boughton 3
Councillor James Lark 1
Councillor Wendy Palmer 2
Councillor Mrs Millie Langridge 1
Councillor Kim Tanner 2
Councillor Dennis King 1
Councillor Karen King 3
Councillor Mrs Jill Anderson 3
Councillor Mrs Ruth Lettington 1
Councillor Mrs Pam Bates 1
Councillor Janet Sergison 3
Councillor Howard Rogers 2
Councillor Mark Rhodes 3
Councillor Mrs Anita Oakley MA BA (Hons) 3
Councillor Vivian Branson 3
Councillor Martin Coffin 3
Councillor Roger Dalton 2
Councillor Dave Davis CEng FICE 2
Councillor Nicolas Heslop BA (Hons) 3
Councillor Mike Taylor 1
Councillor Michael Base 3
Councillor Tim Shaw 3
Councillor Mark Hood 3
Councillor Roger Roud 2
Councillor Mrs Michelle Tatton 1
Councillor Piers Montague 3
Councillor Mrs Trudy Dean 2
Councillor April Clark 3
Councillor Mrs Sue Bell 3
Councillor David Lettington 3
Councillor Paul Hickmott 1
Councillor Frani Hoskins 2
Councillor Robin Betts 3
Councillor Georgina Thomas 1
Councillor Des Keers 1
Communities and Housing Advisory Board, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nick Stapleton 1
Councillor Sarah Hudson 2
Councillor Matt Boughton 1
Councillor Wendy Palmer 2
Councillor Karen King 1
Councillor Nick Foyle MCIPD ACIB 2
Councillor Andrew Kennedy 1
Councillor Mrs Jill Anderson 2
Councillor Mrs Ruth Lettington 2
Councillor Mrs Pam Bates 2
Councillor Janet Sergison 1
Councillor Howard Rogers 1
Councillor Mark Rhodes 2
Councillor Mrs Anita Oakley MA BA (Hons) 2
Councillor Vivian Branson 1
Councillor Martin Coffin 1
Councillor Roger Dalton 2
Councillor Nicolas Heslop BA (Hons) 2
Councillor Steve Hammond 0
Councillor Mark Hood 2
Councillor Mrs Michelle Tatton 2
Councillor Piers Montague 2
Councillor Lee O'Toole 2
Councillor David Thornewell 1
Councillor Jon Botten 2
Councillor April Clark 1
Councillor Mrs Sue Bell 1
Councillor David Lettington 2
Councillor Paul Hickmott 1
Councillor Frani Hoskins 1
Councillor Robin Betts 1
Councillor Georgina Thomas 1
Council, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nick Stapleton 2
Councillor Sarah Hudson 2
Councillor Matt Boughton 2
Councillor James Lark 2
Councillor Wendy Palmer 2
Councillor Robert Cannon 2
Councillor David Cooper 2
Councillor Mrs Millie Langridge 0
Councillor Kim Tanner 2
Councillor Dennis King 2
Councillor Karen King 2
Councillor Nick Foyle MCIPD ACIB 2
Councillor Andrew Kennedy 2
Councillor Mrs Jill Anderson 2
Councillor Colin Williams 2
Councillor Mrs Ruth Lettington 2
Councillor Mrs Pam Bates 2
Councillor Timothy Bishop 2
Councillor Janet Sergison 2
Councillor Howard Rogers 2
Councillor Mark Rhodes 2
Councillor Mrs Anita Oakley MA BA (Hons) 2
Councillor Brian Luker 2
Councillor Mrs Ann Kemp 2
Councillor Vivian Branson 2
Councillor Christopher Brown 1
Councillor Martin Coffin 2
Councillor Roger Dalton 2
Councillor Dave Davis CEng FICE 1
Councillor Mark Davis 1
Councillor Nicolas Heslop BA (Hons) 2
Councillor Mike Taylor 2
Councillor Alan Keeley 2
Councillor Michael Base 2
Councillor Steve Hammond 0
Councillor Tim Shaw 2
Councillor Mark Hood 2
Councillor Roger Roud 2
Councillor Mrs Michelle Tatton 2
Councillor Frixos Tombolis 1
Councillor Garry Bridge 2
Councillor Piers Montague 2
Councillor Lee O'Toole 1
Councillor Mrs Trudy Dean 1
Councillor David Thornewell 1
Councillor Jon Botten 2
Councillor April Clark 2
Councillor Mrs Sue Bell 1
Councillor David Lettington 2
Councillor Paul Hickmott 2
Councillor Frani Hoskins 2
Councillor Robin Betts 2
Councillor Georgina Thomas 2
Councillor Des Keers 2
Overview and Scrutiny Committee, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Matt Boughton 1
Councillor Wendy Palmer 1
Councillor Dennis King 1
Councillor Mrs Jill Anderson 1
Councillor Mrs Pam Bates 1
Councillor Timothy Bishop 1
Councillor Janet Sergison 1
Councillor Howard Rogers 1
Councillor Mark Rhodes 1
Councillor Mrs Anita Oakley MA BA (Hons) 1
Councillor Vivian Branson 1
Councillor Christopher Brown 1
Councillor Roger Dalton 0
Councillor Mark Davis 0
Councillor Nicolas Heslop BA (Hons) 1
Councillor Mike Taylor 1
Councillor Alan Keeley 0
Councillor Michael Base 1
Councillor Mark Hood 1
Councillor Frixos Tombolis 0
Councillor Piers Montague 1
Councillor David Thornewell 0
Councillor Jon Botten 1
Councillor David Lettington 1
Councillor Robin Betts 1
Councillor Georgina Thomas 1
Councillor Des Keers 0
Parish Partnership Panel, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Nick Stapleton 1
Councillor Sarah Hudson 1
Councillor Wendy Palmer 1
Councillor David Cooper 1
Councillor Mrs Millie Langridge 0
Councillor Mrs Jill Anderson 1
Councillor Janet Sergison 1
Councillor Howard Rogers 1
Councillor Mark Rhodes 1
Councillor Mrs Anita Oakley MA BA (Hons) 1
Councillor Brian Luker 1
Councillor Martin Coffin 1
Councillor Roger Dalton 1
Councillor Nicolas Heslop BA (Hons) 1
Councillor Mike Taylor 1
Councillor Tim Shaw 1
Councillor Piers Montague 1
Councillor David Lettington 1
Councillor Paul Hickmott 1
Councillor Frani Hoskins 1
Councillor Robin Betts 1
Planning and Transportation Advisory Board, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nick Stapleton 2
Councillor Sarah Hudson 2
Councillor Matt Boughton 2
Councillor Wendy Palmer 1
Councillor David Cooper 2
Councillor Mrs Millie Langridge 1
Councillor Dennis King 2
Councillor Mrs Jill Anderson 1
Councillor Mrs Ruth Lettington 1
Councillor Timothy Bishop 2
Councillor Janet Sergison 2
Councillor Howard Rogers 2
Councillor Mark Rhodes 1
Councillor Mrs Anita Oakley MA BA (Hons) 2
Councillor Brian Luker 2
Councillor Mrs Ann Kemp 1
Councillor Vivian Branson 2
Councillor Martin Coffin 1
Councillor Roger Dalton 2
Councillor Dave Davis CEng FICE 2
Councillor Mark Davis 2
Councillor Nicolas Heslop BA (Hons) 2
Councillor Mike Taylor 2
Councillor Tim Shaw 1
Councillor Mark Hood 2
Councillor Roger Roud 2
Councillor Mrs Michelle Tatton 2
Councillor Piers Montague 1
Councillor Mrs Trudy Dean 1
Councillor David Thornewell 2
Councillor Jon Botten 1
Councillor David Lettington 2
Councillor Frani Hoskins 1
Councillor Des Keers 1