Issue - decisions

Open Churchyards

03/02/2017 - Open Churchyards

(Report of Management Team)


Further to the Council’s adoption of a Special Expenses Scheme and to Minute CB 16/60 (4) in respect of the open churchyard issue, the report gave details of the outcome of discussions with the Rural Deans.  It was recommended that no budgetary provision should be made towards the maintenance costs of open churchyards and that the results of a burial capacity study commissioned in partnership with the Rural Deans should be reported back in due course, initially to the Communities and Housing Advisory Board.


The Cabinet resolved that:


(1)             it be confirmed that no future budgetary provision should be made in respect of discretionary financial contributions towards the maintenance costs of open churchyards;


(2)             it be noted that a “capacity study” of burial spaces within the Borough of Tonbridge and Malling has commenced in partnership with the Rural Deans;


(3)             the Management Team be requested to present a report on the results of that study to a future meeting; and


(4)             the Rural Deans be thanked for their understanding and assistance in progressing the project.