Issue - decisions

The Housing White Paper

10/03/2017 - The Housing White Paper

(Report of Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health)


The report summarised the main points arising from the recently published Housing White Paper ‘Fixing Our Broken Housing Market’ and highlighted those matters which might potentially have significant implications for the Local Plan and housing delivery through the planning system generally.  The report also set out comments that could form the basis for a formal response to the Government which could be made up to 2 May 2017.


Following consideration by the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure, resolved that:


(1)     the summary of the Housing White Paper be noted; and


(2)     the comments in respect of the key points set out at paragraph 1.3 of the report form the basis of a response to Government by the consultation deadline of 2 May 2017.