Issue - decisions

Revenue and Benefits - Potential Shared Service

24/03/2017 - Revenue and Benefits - Potential Shared Service

(Report of Director of Finance and Transformation)


The report described progress towards a proposed shared Revenue and Benefits service between the Council and Gravesham Borough Council which would offer a number of service and efficiency benefits, contributing to the Savings and Transformation Strategy as well as improving resilience.  Reference was made to accommodation and IT issues and it was noted that a more detailed financial analysis of all elements and full staff consultation would be undertaken once both authorities had agreed to progress towards a fully shared service.


Members discussed potential scenarios in terms of the “hosting” of a combined Revenue and Benefits team and confirmed that none of these should prove to be a barrier in agreeing to the establishment of a shared service.


The Cabinet resolved that: 


(1)                                                    the establishment of a Shared Service for Revenue and Benefits between Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council and Gravesham Borough Council be approved as set out in the report;

(2)                                                    the Director of Finance and Transformation, in liaison with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property and Leader, be authorised to progress detailed negotiations with Gravesham Borough Council accordingly;

(3)                                                    Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council would prefer to be considered as the lead authority (and site provider) for the Shared Service and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be advised accordingly for the purposes of the accommodation review;

(4)                                                    the Director of Finance and Transformation be authorised to commence consultation and discussion with staff as appropriate;

(5)                                                    the target implementation date of July 2018 be noted; and

(6)                                                    further progress reports setting out detailed proposals for the implementation of the shared service be presented to either Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board, General Purposes Committee or directly to Cabinet as appropriate.