Issue - decisions

Rough Sleeping Update

01/03/2019 - Rough Sleeping Update

(Report of Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health)


The report gave an update on the number of rough sleepers in the Borough following the recent annual estimate and presented details of the Council’s response to the rise in rough sleeping based on four distinct workstreams.


Following consideration by the Communities and Housing Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Housing resolved that:


(1)             the rise in rough sleeping in the Borough be acknowledged together with the work identified to prevent the upward trend from continuing and the number of rough sleepers escalating;


(2)             the role of the Council in co-ordinating agency responses to reports of rough sleepers via the delivery of a joint protocol be endorsed;


(3)             the revised Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) be approved in recognition of the more flexible approach the Council will take to ensure the health and wellbeing of those who may be sleeping rough on the streets;


(4)             the development of a feasibility study considering the role of a night shelter be supported; and


(5)              the bid made to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) for funding to support the work around rough sleeping be endorsed.