(Report of Chief Executive)
The report gave details of summaries of progress achieved against the objectives set out in the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with a number of key voluntary sector bodies at the end of the existing one year term. It was noted that each organisation had been consulted to establish the implications for service delivery if a reduction were applied to their grant which would enable the SLA to be extended for a suggested four year term, thus providing increased security and stability.
A summary was presented of the responses received from each grant recipient and future options considered.
Following consideration by the Communities and Housing Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Community Services resolved that:
(1) based on the good progress by all voluntary bodies and the vital support provided to residents, grant funding be continued for each organisation in line with Service Level Agreements;
(2) based on the positive responses received regarding the suggested longer term settlement of four years and the level of difficulty highlighted with any reduction to grant, the following be agreed:
(a) the grants to Citizens Advice North and West Kent (CANWK) and Age UK Sevenoaks and Tonbridge be maintained at existing levels for a one year term and a more detailed review be undertaken via the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to fully explore options for the future; and
(b) in respect of Imago, Involve and Maidstone and West Kent Mediation Schemes, each organisation be offered a choice as follows:
- set grants at the reduced rate for a fixed four year settlement, OR
- maintain the grant at existing levels for a one year term and undertake a more detailed review via the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to fully explore options for the future.