(Report of Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services)
The report provided an update on the current and proposed future management arrangements for Basted Mill Public Open Space, Borough Green following formal notification of resignation from the existing Joint Management Committee by the three participating parish councils.
The work of the parish councils and volunteers over the years in the management and maintenance of the Public Open Space was acknowledged.
Following consideration by the Communities and Housing Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Community Services resolved that:
(1) the resignation of Plaxtol, Platt and Borough Green Parish Councils from the Basted Mill Public Open Space Joint Committee be noted;
(2) the Basted Mill Public Open Space Joint Committee be “wound up” on 1 April 2021 and the management and maintenance of the site be undertaken solely by the Borough Council;
(3) the current contribution made by the Borough Council to the Joint Committee be transferred in full to a revenue budget for the future maintenance of the site; and
(4) any residual funding from the Joint Committee be transferred to the Borough Council on 1 April 2021 in accordance with the adopted Constitution and ring-fenced in a designated “Reserve” to be solely used for the future management and maintenance of Basted Mill Public Open Space.