Issue - decisions

Review of CCTV

29/01/2021 - Review of CCTV - Recommendations from Overview and Scrutiny Committee

(Joint report of the Director of Central Services and Deputy Chief Executive and the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services)


The Cabinet reviewed the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 3 December 2020 regarding the CCTV operation.  Consideration was also given as to whether the recommendations presented an opportunity to identify funding to support wider Community Safety Partnership initiatives, such as those identified at the previous meeting of Cabinet on 14 October 2020.


The Cabinet resolved that:


(1)          the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 3 December 2020, as set out in paragraph 1.1.5 of the report, be noted; and


(2)          prior to a final decision being taken, the further work set out below be undertaken and reported back to Cabinet:


(i)            a review of the appropriate locations for passive only cameras. This to include statistics on the number of times live monitored CCTV had been used by all agencies within the Community Safety Partnership and an analysis of the impact of moving to passive CCTV on those key cameras which were subject of the most reports;


(ii)           a detailed financial analysis to include any possible exit costs; and


(iii)          an evaluation as to whether any savings achieved could contribute to ongoing funding of the Community Safety Partnership priorities and resources.