Issue - decisions

East Peckham Parish Council - Request for a Compulary Purchase Order

19/03/2021 - East Peckham Parish Council - Request for a Compulsory Purchase Order

The report of the Director of Central Services and Deputy Chief Executive advised that East Peckham Parish Council had asked the Borough Council to make a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) in respect of allotment land at Church Lane, East Peckham.


The making of a CPO on behalf of the Parish Council in the circumstances set out in the report presented a low risk to the Borough Council provided that an appropriate costs indemnity agreement was in place.


The Cabinet resolved that, subject to East Peckham Parish Council entering into a CPO Indemnity Agreement on terms acceptable to the Director of Central Services and the Deputy Chief Executive:


(1)             a Compulsory Purchase Order under s.39 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908 be made on behalf of the Parish Council in respect of the allotment land at Church Lane, East Peckham;


(2)             any further decisions required for the preparation, drafting, completion, making and submission of the Compulsory Purchase Order to the Secretary of State be delegated to the Director of Central Services and Deputy Chief Executive; and


(3)             in the event that the Order was confirmed by the Secretary of State, authority to service such notices or make such General Vesting Declarations as are required to give effect to the Order and vest the title of the land to the Parish Council be delegated to the Director of Central Services and Deputy Chief Executive.