Issue - decisions

Shopfront Improvements Scheme - Analysis

03/09/2021 - Shopfront Improvements Scheme - Analysis

(Report of Chief Executive)


The report provided an update on the current Shopfront Improvement Scheme which was due to end on 30 September 2021.  Proposals for an analysis of the Scheme to identify lessons learnt and to gain an appreciation of its economic impact were also set out.


It was proposed that the analysis focused on the three key areas of:


(a)             the process of applying for a shopfront improvement grant

(b)             support and advice during the delivery of the shopfront projects

(c)             the overall economic impact of the scheme


Following consideration by the Economic Regeneration Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration resolved that:


(1)             the report be noted; and


(2)             the proposed approach to analysing the Shopfront Improvement Scheme, as detailed in 1.2 of the report and summarised above, be agreed.