Issue - decisions

Corporate Strategy - Consultation Draft

16/12/2022 - Corporate Strategy - Consultation Draft

(Report of Chief Executive)


The report provided an update on the Corporate Strategy Consultation Draft with particular focus on feedback received from staff and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  In addition, approval to proceed towards a community engagement exercise during winter 2023 was sought.


Details of the feedback received to date was set out in 1.3 of the report and the comments and points raised were noted.  As a result, a number of minor changes were proposed and these were summarised in 1.3.4 (Table 2).    A five-week period of public and community consultation would start in January 2023 as detailed in 1.4 of the report.




(1)         the Corporate Strategy Consultation Draft, as set out in Appendix 1 and including the amendments set out in 1.3.4 (Table 2) be endorsed;


(2)         delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive, in liaison with the Leader of the Council, to approve any necessary further minor changes to the Corporate Strategy Consultation Draft that might be required for reasons of clarity or presentation; and


(3)         the programme for community consultation, as set out in 1.4, be approved.