Issue - decisions

Outcomes and Achievements of the IT strategy and Digital Strategy

06/04/2023 - Outcomes and Achievements of the IT strategy and Digital Strategy

(Report of Director of Finance and Transformation)


The report highlighted the measurable outcomes against the overall vision set out in the IT and Digital Strategies and advised of the impact on the organisation during the recent 4 year period.


It was noted that these outcomes exemplified the pragmatism and foresight adopted by the Borough Council which had enabled ambitious and transformative strategies to be implemented in such a short timescale.


Work on developing new Strategies for a further period was underway and a draft would be brought to Members for consideration in due course.




(1)             the outcomes and achievements of the IT Strategy 2018-2023 and the Digital Strategy 2019-2023 be noted; and


(2)             a new Corporate IT and Digital Strategy be developed and presented for consideration to a future meeting of the Cabinet during 2023.