Issue - decisions

Blue Bell Hill commuter car park

06/04/2023 - Blue Bell Hill Commuter Car Park

(Joint report of Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services, Cabinet Member for Technical and Waste Services and Cabinet Member for Community Services)


The report provided details of the current issues at Blue Bell Hill commuter car park including significant concerns in respect of continuing anti-social behaviour on the site.  The noise and general nuisance related to vehicles was a major concern to local residents who continued to report issues.


Careful consideration was given to the financial and value for money implications and the ongoing anti-social behaviour.   On the grounds that the current operating model for the car park was not an efficient use of resources and was considered to be unsustainable, that there was no indication that commuter bus services would return to pre-pandemic levels and that the sites location between the M2 and M20 corridor had potential for other uses Councillor # proposed that the car park should be closed and future opportunities for the site be explored.  This was seconded by Councillor #




(1)             the Blue Bell Hill commuter car park be closed and the site secured to prevent any pedestrian and vehicular access; and


(2)             future opportunities for alternative use of the site be explored with Kent County Council