Consideration was given to recommendation CE 23/31 of the Communities and Environment Scrutiny Select Committee of 19 July 2023.
Cabinet considered the future delivery options, analysis report and cost information presented to the Scrutiny Select Committee together with potential areas of saving and environmental and bio-diversity measures. Due regard was also given to the legal, financial and value for money implications. A review report provided by an external consultant (Waste Consulting LLP (WCL)) was noted.
(1) an external procurement exercise be progressed for the future delivery of grounds maintenance services;
(2) the work previously undertaken by the external consultants (WCL), including preparation of a Public Sector Comparator, be updated;
(3) the proposed list of potential areas of savings in respect of the service specification of the contract, as outlined in 1.5.3 of the restricted report to the Communities and Environment Scrutiny Select Committee be noted;
(4) further consideration be given to additional potential areas of saving;
(5) further consideration be given to the current and future options within the contract with regard to the Climate Change agenda.