Issue - decisions

Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/23

19/12/2023 - Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/23

(Report of Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health)


The report outlined the statutory requirement under regulation 121A for the Brough Council to publish an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) and sought approval to publish the annual IFS, attached at Annex 1, and the associated documents outlining S106 contributions secured, allocated and spent where appropriate over the monitoring period of 2022/23.


Particular reference was made to the introduction of a newly proposed Infrastructure Levy, for which a response had been issued to the consultation and a decision was awaited from the central government.


Members welcomed the report, although disappointment had been expressed towards the failing of the Kent County Council in meeting certain delivery timeframes.


With regard to the possibility of repurposing S106 contribution towards alternative projects, Members noted that the developer contribution had to be agreed to directly mitigate the impact arising from the development and any subsequent alteration of its use would be subject to further agreement of the developer via variation.


Following consideration by the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee, the Cabinet Member for Transformation and Infrastructure resolved that:


(1)        the Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/23, attached at Annex 1, and the associated documents, attached at Annex 2, be endorsed and published by the end of December 2023.