Issue - decisions

Update on Local Plan Infrastructure Evidence/Delivery Plan

19/12/2023 - Update on Local Plan Infrastructure Evidence

(Report of Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health)


The report summarised the latest position in relation to the preparation of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP), which covered all forms of infrastructure, including water, wastewater, electricity, gas and telecommunications as well as social and health facilities.  It was noted that the IDP was a live document and was regularly updated to reflect the Borough Council’s progressing Local Plan and the revised business, service and delivery plans of infrastructure and service providers.


Particular reference was made to the specific emphasis on water resources and sewerage capacity, as a key part of the IDP process, and specific engagement with water providers.


Members had an in-depth discussion on concerns raised over both sewerage and surface water drainage systems and were advised that mitigation measures required in respect of the water/wastewater infrastructure to support growth could be addressed in the IDP, which would be reported to Members for approval in due course, to accompany the emerging Local Plan.


Following consideration by the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee, the Cabinet Member for Planning resolved that:


(1)        the contents of the report be noted; and


(2)        the approach to infrastructure matters as set out in the report be approved.