Issue - decisions

Active Travel Strategy

19/12/2023 - Active Travel Strategy

(Report of Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health)


The report provided Members with an update on progress and next steps in the preparation of the Tonbridge and Malling Active Travel Strategy (ATS), which was being prepared in accordance with the Department for Transport’s published Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan guidance.  Once adopted, this Strategy would replace the current borough Cycling Strategy.


Members noted that a cycle route priorities consultation had been undertaken in 2022 to inform the preparation of the ATS and a full summary of the consultation feedback was included at Annex 1, with headlines highlighted in 1.1.4 of the report.  Careful consideration had been given to the feedback received by the project team, with particular reference made to the alternative route suggestions and ideas to improve infrastructure for active travel on local roads and public rights of way.  The route suggestions were set out in Annex 2, including comments from the project team.


Queries and concerns were raised over a number of particular routes and Members were assured that future deliveries would be subject to detailed scheme design and public consultation to enable full options to be presented when the draft Strategy was brought back to the Committee for consideration.  However, it was recognised that funding remained limited for active travel projects in the coming years.


Following consideration by the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee, the Cabinet Member for Transformation and Infrastructure resolved that:


(1)        the feedback received to the cycle route priorities consultation and the progress being made, be noted;


(2)        the alternative routes detailed in 1.1.6 of the report be investigated further for potential inclusion within the Active Travel Strategy; and


(3)        the updated timetable as detailed in 1.2.3 of the report, be noted.