Issue - decisions

Local Plan Update

14/03/2014 - Local Plan Update

The report provided an update on progress towards the new Local Plan, including the preparation of evidence, community engagement arrangements and proposed revisions to the timetable. Consideration was given to outcomes from the final version of the Strategic Housing Market Assessment, arrangements for the forthcoming ‘Call for Sites’ exercise and revisions to the Local Plan timetable.


The figure for Maidstone’s adopted housing target at paragraph 1.2.8 of the report was corrected at the meeting to read “17,100”.


Following consideration by the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation resolved that:

(1)   the progress towards preparing the Local Plan, including the proposed Call for Sites exercise be noted;

(2)   the final version of the Tonbridge and Malling Strategic Housing Market Assessment, including the Objectively Assessed Housing Need for the Borough to 2013, be acknowledged and accepted as forming part of the Local Plan evidence base; and

(3)   the revised Local Plan timetable, set out in Annex 1 to the report, be used as a basis of a revised Local Development Scheme.