Issue - decisions

Review of Fees and Charges for Discretionary Planning Services

12/12/2024 - Review of Fees and Charges for Discretionary Planning Services

Consideration was given to recommendation HP 24/40 of the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee of 3 December 2024 in respect of fees and charges for discretionary planning services.


Cabinet had due regard to the views of the Scrutiny Select Committee, the financial and value for money considerations and legal implications and recognised that in bringing forward the charging proposals for 2025/26 consideration had been given to a range of factors including the Borough Council’s overall financial position, market position, trading patterns and the current rate of inflation and customer feedback.




(1)            the updated Pre-application Charging Fee Schedule 2025/26 (attached at Annex 1) be adopted;


(2)            the updated Building Control Fee Schedule 2025/26 (attached at Annex 2) be adopted;


(3)            the updated High Hedges Fees (an increase to £540) as set out in paragraph 5.12 be adopted;


(4)            the updated charging fees for s106 monitoring and compliance (representing an increase to £460 for each obligation contained in the agreement) as set out 5.17-20 be adopted;


(5)            the updated Planning Performance Agreement template (attached at Annex 3) be included as a new Annex 1 to the PPA Protocol;


(6)            the updated Planning Performance Agreement charging schedule (attached at Annex 4) be adopted; and


(7)             the above proposed fees and charges be implemented with effect from 1 April 2025.