Issue - decisions

South East Local Enterprise Partnership - Growth Deal

05/09/2014 - South East Local Enterprise Partnership - Growth Deal

(Report of Chief Executive)


Details were given of the key components of the recent South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) ‘Growth Deal’ bid, how the funding had been awarded and the implications for local projects relevant to Tonbridge and Malling.  Whilst welcoming the funding of two key transport schemes in the Borough, the challenges associated with local revenue funding of business support services were highlighted.


Following consideration by the Economic Regeneration Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration resolved that:


1)         the outcome of the Growth Deal for the SELEP area and for West Kent be noted; and


2)         the proposed position on the provision of future business support services, as set out in section 1.4 of the report, be endorsed and a further progress report be made to the next meeting of the Advisory Board.