(Report of Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services)
Further to Decision No D160017CAB (4), the report gave details of the outcome of the formal consultation relating to the potential introduction of car parking charges in West Malling. Attention was also drawn to two petitions received on behalf of West Malling Parish Council and traders within the town, the first having been discussed by the full Council on 16 February 2016. A copy of the formal response of the Parish Council was annexed to the report.
A supplementary report circulated in advance of the meeting gave details of further correspondence received including alternative options put forward by West Malling Parish Council and the updated position regarding the petitions.
The Cabinet carefully considered all the information presented, taking account of representations made and the public response. It was concluded that the proposal to introduce charges remained the best means of supporting the local traders by securing a turnover of spaces for shoppers whilst offsetting the costs to the Council of managing the car park. In association with implementing charges it was intended to significantly enhance the level of parking enforcement and undertake a review after 12 months to assess any implications for parking in the surrounding residential areas. A commitment was also given to examine with the West Malling Parking Review Steering Group the issues contained in the Parish Council’s email dated 19 March 2016.
The Cabinet resolved that:
The schedule of short stay parking in West Malling, as outlined in the report, be introduced as soon as practicable.