Issue - decisions

Online Community Lottery

23/03/2016 - Online Community Lottery

(Report of Director of Central Services and Monitoring Officer)


The report presented a proposal to establish an online lottery to provide discretionary support to local voluntary and community groups in accordance with objectives within the Savings and Transformation Strategy for addressing the financial challenges facing the Council.


Details were given of costs and delivery options including preliminary discussions with external lottery managers which were set out in Annex 1 to the report which contained exempt information. 


The Cabinet resolved that:


(1)            an online community lottery be launched as detailed in the report;

(2)            the Director of Central Services be authorised to apply to the Gambling Commission for a licence to operate a remote local authority lottery and to make consequential amendments to any documentation in order to meet the requirements of the Commission;

(3)            Capen Limited be engaged as an External Lottery Manager for the purposes of the lottery, the costs of appointing Capen and the initial marketing costs to be met from the invest to save reserve;

(4)            the draft criteria at Annex 2 to the report be approved for acceptance of good causes into the lottery and the Director of Central Services be authorised to approve or reject applications; and

(5)            authority be delegated to the Director of Central Services to approve the final arrangements for launch of the lottery.