Issue - decisions

Council Tax Reduction Scheme

22/04/2016 - Council Tax Reduction Scheme

(Report of Director of Finance and Transformation)


Further to Decision No D150083CAB, the report provided an update on progress on the review of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme being undertaken in liaison with other Kent authorities.  Details were presented of the outcome of a full options appraisal for potential change having regard to the objectives collectively agreed and the ‘suitability’ for Kent.  Consideration was given to the public consultation process and a mechanism for finalising the consultation material.


A first stage Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) was annexed to the report.  Additional information was provided at the meeting on the initial findings from analysis of data indicating potential impacts on the protected characteristics of age, sex and disability (including carers).  It was noted that decisions about modifications to the scheme would be taken after the consultation so it was not possible at this stage to identify any mitigating actions required.  A full EQIA would be completed and results reported to the Cabinet following the consultation.


The Cabinet resolved that:


(1)                                                    the work undertaken thus far within Kent collectively be noted including the  resultant Options Appraisal set out in Annex 1 to the report and the Kent Finance Officers’ group recommendation that any new Council Tax Reduction (CTR) Schemeshould be based on the current scheme but with a series of potential modifications upon which the Council should consult;

(2)                                                    a consultation be launched on the potential  introduction of a range of modifications to the current CTR scheme for working age claimants as follows:

a.              increasing the minimum contribution rate for working age claimants to 20% or (up to) 25%;

b.              introducing a band cap at a band D;

c.               removing Second Adult Rebate;

d.              reducing the capital limit to £6,000;

e.              including Child Benefit and Child Maintenance in the assessment of income;

f.                introducing a standard non-dependant deduction of £10 per week;

g.              introducing a Minimum Income Floor for self-employed claimants (based upon the living wage at 35 hours per week for full time or 16 hours a week for part-time workers); and

h.              aligning regulations of the current CTR scheme with Housing Benefit and (prescribed) Pension Age CTR scheme;

(3)                                                    through the consultation views be sought as to whether an Exceptional Hardship Policy should be incorporated as part of the scheme;

(4)                                                    through the consultation views be sought on other ways of meeting the demands highlighted through the report other than changing the existing Council Tax Reduction Scheme (as set out in paragraph1.4.6 thereto);

(5)                                                    the ‘first stage’ Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) be noted together with the detailed analysis setting out the potential impacts on protected characteristics and it be confirmed that a full EQIA will be prepared and considered prior to any final decisions being taken; and

(6)                                                    the proposed arrangements in respect of consultation be endorsed and, subject to there being no significant changes required to the above proposals following the outcome of approvals by other Kent district councils, authority be delegated to the Director of Finance and Transformation to finalise the consultation material in liaison with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Innovation and Property.