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Alcohol and Entertainments Lic
Area 1 Planning Committee
Area 2 Planning Committee
Area 3 Planning Committee
Audit Committee
Best Value Committee
Cabinet Decisions (Historic)
Capital Plan Advisory Board
Car Parking Advisory Board
Car Parking Charges Advisory B
Communities Advisory Board
Communities and Environment Sc
Communities and Health Advisor
Communities and Housing Adviso
Community Development Advisory
Community Infrastructure Levy
Community Safety Advisory Boar
Community Safety Scrutiny Sub
Council Tax, Business Rates an
Crime and Disorder Best Value
Customer Contact Advisory Boar
Customer Service Improvement A
Disability Working Party
Economic Regeneration Advisory
Engineering Best Value Sub Com
Environmental Health, Refuse a
Finance and Property Advisory
Finance, Innovation and Proper
Finance, Regeneration and Prop
General Purposes Committee
Health and Wellbeing Advisory
Housing and Environment Servic
Housing and Planning Scrutiny
ICT and E-Govt Advisory Board
Information Technology Strateg
Innovation and Improvement Adv
Joint Standards Committee
Joint Transportation Board
Land Charges Best Value Sub Co
Leisure and Arts Advisory Boar
Leisure Best Value Sub Committ
Leisure Facilities, Culture an
Leybourne Lakes Country Park P
Licensing and Appeals Committe
Licensing and Appeals Panel
Local Development Framework St
Local Environmental Management
Medway Valley Countryside Part
Notice of Cabinet Member Decis
Older Persons Issues Advisory
Overview and Scrutiny Committe
Parish Partnership Panel
Planning and Transportation Ad
Policy and Best Value Committe
Policy Overview Committee
Public Transport Liaison Group
Public Transport Panel
Rural Affairs Advisory Board
Scrutiny Committee
Standards and Training Committ
Standards Assessment Sub Commi
Standards Committee
Standards Hearing Panel
Standards Hearings Sub Committ
Strategic Housing Advisory Boa
Strategic Planning Advisory Bo
Street Scene Advisory Board
Street Scene and Environment S
Tonbridge Community Forum
Tonbridge Forum
Town and Parish Councils Stand
Twinning Committee
Youth and Children Advisory Bo
Youth, Arts and Culture Adviso
Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
Dispensation granted
Non Pecuniary
Other Significant Interest
Personal and Prejudicial
Potential pre-determination
Potential pre-determination an
Athwal, Councillor Lee Athwal
Banks, Councillor Bill Banks
Barton, Councillor Kath Barto
Bell, Councillor Mrs Sue Bell
Bennison, Councillor Angus Be
Betts, Councillor Robin Betts
Bishop, Councillor Timothy Bi
Boughton, Councillor Matt Bou
Boxall, Councillor Paul Boxal
Bridge, Councillor Garry Brid
Brown, Councillor Christopher
Cannon, Councillor Robert Can
Clokey, Councillor James Clok
Coffin, Councillor Martin Cof
Cope, Councillor Anna Cope
Crisp, Councillor Steve Crisp
Dalton, Councillor Roger Dalt
Davis, Councillor Dave Davis
Dean, Councillor Mrs Trudy De
Hammond, Councillor Steve Ham
Harman, Councillor Dan Harman
Hickmott, Councillor Paul Hic
Hines, Councillor George Hine
Hood, Councillor Mark Hood
Hoskins, Councillor Frani Hos
Hudson, Councillor Sarah Huds
Keers, Councillor Des Keers
King D, Councillor Dennis Kin
Lark, Councillor James Lark
Mallard, Councillor Wayne Mal
McDermott, Councillor Alex Mc
Mehmet, Councillor Adem Mehme
Oakley, Councillor Mrs Anita
Oliver, Councillor Robert Oli
Palmer, Councillor Wendy Palm
Parry, Councillor Bethan Parr
Pilgrim, Councillor Stacey Pi
Rhodes, Councillor Mark Rhode
Roud, Councillor Roger Roud
Tanner, Councillor Kim Tanner
Tatton, Councillor Mrs Michel
Taylor, Councillor Mike Taylo
Thornewell, Councillor David
Tunstall, Councillor Keith Tu
Williams, Councillor Colin Wi
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period