Meeting attendance

Thursday, 10th March, 2022 7.30 pm, Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   Council Chamber, Gibson Drive, Kings Hill

Contact:    Democratic Services

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Janet Sergison Chairman Apologies Substituted by Councillor Brian Luker
Councillor Mark Davis Vice-Chair, in the Chair Present
Councillor Mrs Anita Oakley MA BA (Hons) Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Michael Base Committee Member Apologies Substituted by Councillor Dan Harman
Councillor Christopher Brown Committee Member Apologies, sent representative Substituted by Councillor Mrs Sue Bell
Councillor Robert Cannon Committee Member Present
Councillor Anna Cope Committee Member Present
Councillor Roger Dalton Committee Member Present
Councillor Frani Hoskins Committee Member Present
Councillor Sarah Hudson Committee Member Present
Councillor Mrs Ann Kemp Committee Member Present
Councillor Dennis King Committee Member Present
Councillor James Lark Committee Member Present
Councillor Howard Rogers Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Nick Stapleton Committee Member Apologies Substituted by Councillor Mark Hood
Councillor Mike Taylor Committee Member Present
Councillor David Thornewell Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Frixos Tombolis Committee Member Present
Councillor Mrs Sue Bell Other Member Present as substitute
Councillor Dan Harman Committee Member Present as substitute
Councillor Mark Hood Committee Member Present as substitute
Councillor Brian Luker Committee Member Present as substitute
Councillor Mrs Trudy Dean Other Member In attendance
Councillor Robin Betts Other Member In attendance
Councillor Matt Boughton Other Member In attendance
Councillor Paul Boxall Other Member In attendance via MS Teams
Councillor Vivian Branson Other Member In attendance via MS Teams
Councillor Des Keers Other Member In attendance via MS Teams
Councillor Piers Montague Other Member In attendance via MS Teams
Councillor Mark Rhodes Other Member In attendance via MS Teams
Councillor Kim Tanner Other Member In attendance via MS Teams
Councillor Mrs Michelle Tatton Other Member In attendance via MS Teams