Agenda and minutes

Annual meeting, Council - Tuesday, 13th May, 2014 7.30 pm

Venue: Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling

Contact: Committee Services  Email:

No. Item


C 14/31

Election of Mayor

To elect the Mayor for the ensuing year.


It was proposed by Councillor N Heslop, seconded by Councillor Luker and


RESOLVED:  That Councillor Mrs S L Luck be elected Mayor for the ensuing municipal year.


The Mayor, having made and subscribed the statutory declaration of acceptance of office, was invested with the Badge and Chain of Office, assumed the Chair and thanked Members for her election.

C 14/32

Vote of Thanks to Retiring Mayor

To propose a vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor.


It was proposed by Councillor N Heslop, seconded by Councillor Mrs Holland and


RESOLVED:  That the Council’s sincere appreciation be recorded of the excellent manner in which the retiring Mayor, Councillor H S Rogers had performed his duties both in the Council Chamber and throughout the Borough during the preceeding year.

C 14/33

Election of Deputy Mayor

To elect the Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year.


It was proposed by Councillor N Heslop, seconded by Councillor Ms Branson and


RESOLVED:  That Councillor O S Baldock be appointed Deputy Mayor for the ensuing municipal year.


The Deputy Mayor made and subscribed the statutory declaration of acceptance of office and thanked Members for his appointment.

C 14/34

Minutes pdf icon PDF 50 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on Tuesday, 8 April 2014


RESOLVED:  That the Minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the Council held on 8 April 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.

C 14/35

Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor announced that she had appointed the Reverend David Green as her Chaplain and the Civic Service would be held at St Mary’s Church, West Malling on Sunday 29 June.  The Mayor indicated that her nominated charities were Emilia’s Little Heart which helped to preserve the emotional wellbeing of children in hospital and the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI) assisting farmers and their families in time of need.


The Mayor gave notice of some forthcoming events including her Garden Party at Hadlow College on 23 July, the annual cricket match against Maidstone Borough Council at Headcorn on 17 August and the Tonbridge Dragon Boat Race on 14 September.  The Mayor indicated that there were still places available on her team for the latter and sponsorship would be appreciated to raise funds for her charities.  Finally, the Tonbridge Christmas Festival would be taking place on 23 November and further details of fundraising events would be advised in due course.

C 14/36

Political Balance Arrangements for Committees


The report of the Director of Central Services and Monitoring Officer set out details of the political balance arrangements required to be applied to the Council’s committees, sub-committees, advisory boards and panels.


RESOLVED:  That the composition of all committees, sub-committees, advisory boards and panels be approved in accordance with the table at paragraph 1.1.3 of the report.

C 14/37

Appointment of Cabinet pdf icon PDF 13 KB

To note the Leader’s appointments to the Cabinet and the portfolios they will hold.  (Details will be circulated at the meeting).


The Leader presented details of the composition of the Cabinet.


RESOLVED:  That it be noted that the Cabinet will comprise seven Members (in addition to the Leader) with the responsibilities indicated:


Councillor Mrs J Anderson (Housing)

Councillor J Balcombe (Economic Regeneration)

Councillor M Coffin (Finance, Innovation and Property)

Councillor Mrs M Heslop (Leisure, Youth and Arts)

Councillor B Luker (Environmental Services)

Councillor Mrs S Murray (Planning and Transportation)

Councillor M Rhodes (Communities, Health and Community Safety)

C 14/38

Appointment of Committees pdf icon PDF 21 KB

To consider the establishment and composition of the Committees of the Council and their Sub-Committees for the ensuing year.  (Details of nominations will be circulated at the meeting).


RESOLVED:  That appointments to the Committees of the Council for the ensuing municipal year be made as follows:-


Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Councillor A Allison

Councillor J Atkins

Councillor Ms J Atkinson

Councillor Mrs P Bates

Councillor C Brown

Councillor D Cure

Councillor R Dalton

Councillor Miss J Elks

Councillor Mrs E Holland


Councillor D Keeley

Councillor Mrs F Kemp

Councillor S King

Councillor Miss A Moloney

Councillor T Robins

Councillor A Sayer

Councillor Miss S Shrubsole

Councillor Mrs E Simpson

Councillor Ms S Spence                


Licensing and Appeals Committee


Councillor A Allison

Councillor Mrs J Anderson

Councillor Ms J Atkinson

Councillor J Balcombe

Councillor O Baldock

Councillor Mrs P Bates

Councillor Mrs B Brown

Councillor C Brown 

Councillor  M Coffin

Councillor Mrs F Kemp

Councillor S King

Councillor M Parry-Waller

Councillor M Taylor

Councillor D Trice

Councillor Mrs C Woodger

General Purposes Committee


Councillor A Allison

Councillor M Balfour

Councillor T Bishop

Councillor P Bolt

Councillor C Brown

Councillor M Coffin

Councillor R Dalton


Councillor D Davis

Councillor Mrs C Gale

Councillor N Heslop

Councillor S Jessel

Councillor Miss A Moloney

Councillor H Rogers

Councillor C Smith


Audit Committee


Councillor Ms V Branson

Councillor T Edmondston-Low

Councillor Mrs F Kemp

Councillor S King


Councillor Mrs A Oakley

Councillor M Parry-Waller

Councillor T Robins



Joint Standards Committee


Councillor M Balfour

Councillor Mrs P Bates

Councillor Mrs J Bellamy

Councillor P Bolt

Councillor Ms V Branson

Councillor D Davis

Councillor T Edmondston-Low

Councillor B Luker

Councillor Mrs S Murray

Councillor M Parry-Waller

Councillor Miss J Sergison

Councillor Mrs E Simpson

Councillor C Smith


(Parish members to be appointed from a pool of nominated representatives)



A Hearing Panel will be appointed from members of the Joint Standards Committee as necessary.


Area 1 Planning Committee


Councillor A Allison

Councillor Mrs J Anderson

Councillor Ms J Atkinson

Councillor O Baldock

Councillor Mrs P Bates

Councillor P Bolt

Councillor Ms V Branson

Councillor D Cure

Councillor M Davis

Councillor T Edmondston-Low


Councillor Miss J Elks

Councillor Mrs M Heslop

Councillor N Heslop

Councillor R Lancaster

Councillor M Rhodes

Councillor Miss J Sergison

Councillor C Smith

Councillor Ms S Spence

Councillor D Trice


(For the Wards of Cage Green; Castle; that part of the Hadlow, Mereworth and West Peckham Ward within the parish of Hadlow; Higham; Hildenborough; Judd; Medway; Trench; and Vauxhall)


Area 2 Planning Committee


Councillor Mrs J Anderson

Councillor M Balfour

Councillor C Brown

Councillor F Chartres

Councillor M Coffin

Councillor Mrs E Holland

Councillor S Jessel

Councillor Mrs F Kemp

Councillor Mrs S Luck


Councillor B Luker

Councillor Mrs S Murray

Councillor T Robins

Councillor H Rogers

Councillor A Sayer

Councillor Miss J Sergison

Councillor Miss S Shrubsole

Councillor M Taylor


(For the Wards of Borough Green and Long Mill; Downs; East Peckham and Golden Green; that part of the Hadlow, Mereworth and West Peckham Ward outside the parish of Hadlow; Ightham; Kings Hill; Wateringbury; West Malling and Leybourne; and Wrotham)


Area 3 Planning Committee


Councillor J Atkins

Councillor  ...  view the full minutes text for item C 14/38

C 14/39

Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen pdf icon PDF 20 KB

To appoint the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of each Committee.  (Details of nominations will be circulated at the meeting).


RESOLVED:   That appointment of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of each Committee, Board, Panel and Group for the ensuing municipal year be made as follows and the requirement in Part 3 of the constitution for the Chairman of the Tonbridge Forum to be the Leader be suspended:-







Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Licensing and Appeals Committee


General Purposes Committee


Audit Committee



Joint Standards Committee


Area 1 Planning Committee


Area 2 Planning Committee


Area 3 Planning Committee


Parish Partnership Panel


Tonbridge Forum


Communities and Health Advisory Board


Community Safety Advisory Board


Economic Regeneration Advisory Board


Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board


Leisure and Arts Advisory Board


Local Environmental Management Advisory Board


Planning and Transportation Advisory Board


Strategic Housing Advisory Board


Electoral Review Working Group


Housing Associations Liaison Panel


Joint Employee Consultative Committee


Joint Transportation Board


Twinning Committee



Councillor Miss A Moloney




Councillor C Brown




Councillor M Balfour




Councillor Ms V Branson



Councillor Miss J Sergison



Councillor R Lancaster



Councillor Mrs F Kemp



Councillor A Sullivan



Councillor N Heslop




Councillor O Baldock



Councillor Ms S Spence




Councillor R Dalton




Councillor C Smith




Councillor H Rogers





Councillor Mrs J Bellamy



Councillor M Davis





Councillor D Davis




Councillor A Sayer




Councillor N Heslop




Councillor Mrs J Anderson




Councillor M Coffin




Chairmanship with KCC




Mr M Dobson


Councillor T Robins

Councillor Mrs E Simpson



Councillor A Allison




Councillor S Jessel





T Edmondston-Low


Councillor D Davis



Councillor Ms V Branson



Councillor Mrs E Holland



Councillor R Dalton



Councillor M Coffin




Councillor N Heslop



Councillor Mrs C Gale




Councillor D Cure





Miss S Shrubsole



Councillor R Taylor





Councillor Mrs E Holland



Councillor S King





Councillor M Parry-Waller




Councillor D Trice




Councillor M Coffin








Councillor M Balfour




Councillor Mrs S Murray




Councillor P Homewood

Mr D Still



C 14/40

Appointment of Advisory Panels and Boards and Other Member Groups pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To appoint Advisory Panels and Boards and Other Member Groups for the ensuing year.  (Details of nominations will be circulated at the meeting).


RESOLVED:  That appointments to the Advisory Panels, Boards and other Member Groups of the Council for the ensuing municipal year be made as follows:-





Parish Partnership Panel


Councillor Mrs J Anderson

Councillor J Atkins

Councillor J Balcombe

Councillor M Balfour

Councillor Mrs J Bellamy

Councillor M Coffin *

Councillor N Heslop **

Councillor D Keeley

Councillor Miss A Moloney

Councillor M Parry-Waller

Councillor H Rogers

Councillor A Sayer

Councillor Mrs C Woodger


Tonbridge Forum


Councillor A Allison

Councillor Mrs J Anderson

Councillor Ms J Atkinson

Councillor O Baldock **

Councillor P Bolt

Councillor Ms V Branson

Councillor T Edmondston-Low

Councillor Miss J Elks

Councillor Mrs M Heslop

Councillor N Heslop *

Councillor R Lancaster

Councillor Ms S Spence

Councillor D Trice


Communities and Health Advisory Board


Councillor A Allison

Councillor T Bishop

Councillor D Cure

Councillor Mrs C Gale *

Councillor Mrs E Holland

Councillor D Keeley

Councillor Miss J Sergison

Councillor Miss S Shrubsole

Councillor Ms S Spence **

Councillor A Sullivan

Councillor M Taylor

Councillor R Taylor

Councillor D Trice


Community Safety Advisory Board


Councillor Mrs P Bates

Councillor F Chartres

Councillor D Cure *

Councillor R Dalton **

Councillor D Davis

Councillor Miss J Elks

Councillor Mrs C Gale

Councillor Mrs E Holland

Councillor A Sayer

Councillor Miss J Sergison

Councillor Mrs E Simpson

Councillor D Smith

Councillor M Taylor


Economic Regeneration Advisory Board


Councillor R Dalton

Councillor M Davis

Councillor S King

Councillor R Lancaster

Councillor Mrs S Luck

Councillor M Parry-Waller

Councillor T Robins

Councillor A Sayer

Councillor Miss J Sergison

Councillor Miss S Shrubsole *

Councillor Mrs E Simpson

Councillor C Smith **

Councillor R Taylor


Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board


Councillor J Atkins

Councillor O Baldock

Councillor T Bishop

Councillor P Bolt

Councillor D Davis

Councillor M Davis

Councillor S Jessel

Councillor Mrs F Kemp

Councillor Miss A Moloney

Councillor H Rogers **

Councillor C Smith

Councillor A Sullivan

Councillor R Taylor *


Leisure and Arts Advisory Board


Councillor Mrs J Bellamy **

Councillor T Bishop

Councillor P Bolt

Councillor Mrs B Brown

Councillor T Edmondston-Low

Councillor Miss J Elks

Councillor Mrs E Holland *

Councillor S Jessel

Councillor D Keeley

Councillor R Lancaster

Councillor Miss S Shrubsole

Councillor R Taylor

Councillor D Trice


Local Environmental Management Advisory Board


Councillor Ms J Atkinson

Councillor Ms V Branson

Councillor C Brown

Councillor F Chartres

Councillor R Dalton

Councillor M Davis **

Councillor Mrs E Holland

Councillor Mrs F Kemp

Councillor S King *

Councillor Miss A Moloney

Councillor Mrs A Oakley

Councillor Ms S Spence

Councillor D Trice


Planning and Transportation Advisory Board


Councillor J Atkins

Councillor Mrs J Bellamy

Councillor Ms V Branson

Councillor F Chartres

Councillor D Cure

Councillor D Davis **

Councillor M Davis

Councillor Mrs F Kemp

Councillor R Lancaster

Councillor M Parry-Waller *

Councillor D Smith

Councillor A Sullivan

Councillor M Taylor


Strategic Housing Advisory Board


Councillor Ms J Atkinson

Councillor Mrs J Bellamy

Councillor Mrs B Brown

Councillor C Brown

Councillor D Cure  ...  view the full minutes text for item C 14/40

C 14/41

Appointment to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 22 KB

To appoint representatives to serve on outside bodies.  (Details of nominations will be circulated at the meeting).


RESOLVED:  That appointments to serve on outside bodies for the ensuing municipal year be made as follows:-


Kent County Playing Fields Association


Councillor Mrs M Heslop


Age UK Sevenoaks and Tonbridge

Councillor Ms J Atkinson

Councillor D Cure

Councillor D Trice


Age Concern (Malling)

Councillor Mrs J Bellamy


Tonbridge and Malling Citizens’ Advice Bureau

Councillor Mrs J Anderson

Councillor Mrs S Murray

Mr P Drury


Maidstone and District Care Committee for Chest, Heart and Stroke


Councillor P Homewood

West Kent Relate

Councillor F Chartres


Action with Communities in Rural Kent


Councillor R Dalton

Councillor Miss J Sergison


Support Group of Home Improvement


Councillor Mrs J Anderson

Councillor J Balcombe


Maidstone Mediation Scheme

Councillor Mrs C Gale


Tourism South East


Councillor Mrs M Heslop

Education Area Briefings

Councillor Mrs M Heslop


Kent Downs AONB Joint Advisory



Councillor Mrs S Murray

Basted Mill Public Open Space Joint Committee


Councillor Mrs S Murray

Councillor A Sayer


Snodland Partnership

Councillor D Keeley

Councillor Miss A Moloney

Councillor Mrs A Oakley


South East England Councils (Leaders’ Forum)

Councillor N Heslop

(Substitute: Councillor M Balfour)


Youth and Community Centres/Project Management Committees


Councillor Mrs M Heslop

LGA General Assembly

Councillor N Heslop

(Substitute: Councillor M Balfour)


West Kent Partnership

Councillor J Balcombe


Parking and Traffic Regulations  Outside London Adjudication Joint Committee

Councillor D Davis

(Deputy: Councillor M Parry-Waller)


Rochester Airport Consultative Committee

Councillor A Sullivan


Supporting People Commissioning Body

Councillor Mrs J Anderson


Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Community Involvement Group

Councillor Mrs C Gale


KCC Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Councillor M Rhodes

Malling Holmesdale Federation Trust

Councillor Miss A Moloney

Kent and Medway Police and Crime Panel

Councillor M Rhodes

Kent Flood Risk Management Board

Councillor H Rogers


Tonbridge and Malling Leisure Trust

Councillor M Davis

Councillor Mrs A Oakley


Tonbridge Memorial Trust

Councillor Ms V Branson




C 14/42

Scheme of Delegations

a) To agree those parts of the scheme of delegation set out in Part 3 of the Constitution which are for the Council to approve.


b) To agree the Leader's proposal to re-adopt the current arrangements for decision-making by individual executive Members set out in Part 3 of the Constitution.


c) To agree the Leader's proposal to re-adopt the current scheme of delegation to officers in respect of executive functions set out in Part 3 of the Constitution.


Members were invited to confirm the Scheme of Delegations in compliance with the Constitution.




(1)  those parts of the Scheme of Delegations set out in Part 3 of the Constitution which are for the Council to approve be confirmed;


(2) the current arrangements for decision making by individual executive Members set out in Part 3 of the Constitution be re-adopted; and


(3)  the current scheme of delegation to officers in respect of executive functions set out in Part 3 of the Constitution be re-adopted.


C 14/43

Programme of Meetings 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 31 KB

To confirm the programme of meetings for the ensuing year.


The programme of Council, Cabinet, Committee and Advisory Board and Panel meetings for the ensuing year and to May 2016 was presented for approval. Members were advised of a change to the dates of meetings of the Joint Employee Consultative Committee.


RESOLVED:  That the programme of meetings be confirmed subject to the meetings of the Joint Employee Consultative Committee being changed from 12 to 5 March 2015 and from 10 to 3 March 2016.

C 14/44

Sealing of Documents

To authorise the Common Seal of the Council to be affixed to any Contract, Minute, Notice or other document requiring the same.


RESOLVED:  That authority be given for the Common Seal of the Council to be affixed to any instrument to give effect to a decision of the Council incorporated into these Minutes and proceedings.