As set out in the Borough Council’s Constitution (Approved July 2018) the role of the Joint Transportation Board is to:
Advise the KCC Executive on: |
- capital and revenue funded works programmes within limits set by the KCC Executive; - the Highway Unit’s Annual Business Plan; |
Advise the TMBC Executive on: |
- any decisions to be taken by the Executive in relation to functions delegated to TMBC under the agreement; - parking orders, taxi rank locations and street management schemes (management schemes do not include street trading consents); |
- review the progress and outturn of works programmes; |
- review the performance of Kent Highway Services in the Borough; |
- be a forum for consultation between KCC and TMBC on policies, plans and strategies related to highways, road traffic and public transport |
(Membership and Chairmanship alternating between KCC and TMBC)
The Terms of Reference for this Committee are set out in Part 3 of our Constitution – Responsibilities (Panels and Boards).
Support officer: Democratic Services. Email: